Jako, is not only a filmmaker and photographer but he has been guiding professionally since 2006.
Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, he completed his B.Com in Marketing from the University of Johannesburg. During his formative years he spent many weekends cultivating his skills, which led to his decision to pursue fishing as a professional career.
His move to London, UK, saw him start his fishing career at the prestigious Farlows of Pall Mall, where he continued fishing many of the UK fisheries. Furthermore he worked at Sportfish – participating in various fishing shows including The CLA Game Fair.
Filming/Photography/Guiding Experience
Some of Capt Jack Productions (Jako Lucas) extraordinary filming/photography/guiding locations include:
Mongolia (7 years Guiding) – Taimen, Grayling, Lenok, Pike
Norway (5 years Guiding) Osen – Atlantic Slamon, Searun Brown Trout, Brown Trout
- Indian Ocean, Cosmoledo (9 Years Guiding)– Various Trevally species including the notorious Giant Trevally , Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit, Triggerfish, Napoleon Wrasse, Snapper, Grouper, Barracuda, Milkfish, Sharks, Dogtooth Tuna, various Pelagic species – Marlin, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Dorado.
- Indian Ocean, Providence (3 Years Guiding)– Various Trevally species including the notorious Giant Trevally , Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit, Triggerfish, Bumphead Parrot Fish, Napoleon Wrasse, Snapper, Grouper, Barracuda, Milkfish, Sharks, Dogtooth Tuna, various Pelagic species – Marlin, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Dorado.
- Indian Ocean, Astove (9 Years Guiding)– – Various Trevally species including the notorious Giant Trevally , Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit, Triggerfish, Napoleon Wrasse, Snapper, Grouper, Barracuda, Milkfish, Sharks Dogtooth Tuna, various Pelagic species – Marlin, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Dorado.
- Indian Ocean, Assumption (9 Years Guiding)– Various Trevally species including the notorious Giant Trevally , Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit, Triggerfish, Napoleon Wrasse, Snapper, Grouper, Barracuda, Milkfish, Sharks, Dogtooth Tuna, various Pelagic species – Marlin, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Dorado.
- Indian Ocean, Farquhar (9 Years Guiding)– Various Trevally species including the notorious Giant Trevally , Bonefish, Indo Pacific Permit, Triggerfish, Bumphead Parrot Fish, Napoleon Wrasse, Snapper, Grouper, Barracuda, Milkfish, Sharks Dogtooth Tuna, various Pelagic species – Marlin, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Dorado.
- Indian Ocean, St Brandon’s (4 Years Guiding)– – Various Trevally species including the notorious Giant Trevally, Bonefish, Permit, Barracuda, Sharks, Batfish, Dogtooth Tuna, various Pelagic species – Marlin, Sailfish, Wahoo, Tuna, Dorado.
- Lesotho, Various locations(Fished and filmed 2 years) – Yellowfish, Rainbow and Brown Trout.
Zambezi River – Tigerfish, various Bream species.
Tanzania – (Fished and filmed 1 years) ..
- Gabon, Africa, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – Tarpon, Jack, Treadfin…
- Bolivia, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – Dorado, Pacu, Payara and Peacock Bass.
- Cuba, Various locations(Fished and filmed 2 years) – Tarpon, Bonefish and Permit.
- Bahamas, Various locations(Fished and filmed 2 years) – Tarpon, Bonefish and Permit.
- Russia, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – Atlantic Salmon, Brown Trout.
- Argentina, Kau Tapen, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – SeaRun Brown Trout, Brown Trout.
- Argentina, Pira, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – Dorado, Piranha…
- Siberia, Various locations (Fished and filmed 1 years) – Taimen, Nelma, Grayling, Pike, Perch, Lenok.
- Florida, Apalachicola , Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – Tarpon, Jack, Sharks…
- Baja, Mexico, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – ..
- Costa Rica, Various locations(Fished and filmed 1 years) – Tarpon, Jack…
- Australia, Wessel Islands (Fished and filmed 1 years) – Permit, Blue Bastards, GT, Queenfish, Barramundi…
- South Africa, Vaal River (10 Years Guiding)– – Largemouth & Smallmouth Yellowfish, Carp, Barbel.
Awards & Accolades
In just a few years, Capt Jack Productions (Jako Lucas), have already accumulated quite a number of Awards and Industry milestones. Here’s to name but a few:
Here are some more links to some of the Articles/interviews that I have written: